Rev. Charlotte Fairchild, speaker/writer

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I have 14 blogs. I do not update many of them because when yahoo morphed I lost passwords.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

My Vlog started in 2004?

 Charlotte Fairchild Vlog

What are you up to between now and 2022? 

I am doing something for my mental Health. 

Every week I make something new. 

If I don't make something new for a challenge, I decorate a paper bag.

Be well,

Charlotte Fairchild

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Kudzu juice

 Before I go to bed tonight, I will make kudzu juice and drink it. It will help me sleep. It helps blood sugar, the pancreas, and many other organs in the body. How do I know? A scientist named William Shurtleff wrote about it in the book on Google Books called The Book of Kudzu.

This year will be 20 years since 9/11/2001. I was at Emory Parkway Medical Center for 3 shifts as a chaplain that day. Ray Woolridge had emailed a request to go to the hospital. He was the official chaplain.  Ray is a retired Brigadier General now, who served in the Pentagon and is a cancer survivor.

I don't think he knows I wrote Fertile Prayers: Daily Fertile Prayers after 9/11/2001. It was published in 2003 and is an ebook at authorhouse. I don't pay Google, so it isn't easy to find.  He doesn't know I wrote Murder on the Silver Comet Trail, either.  I may send him a copy if he would read them.

What were you doing on 9/11/2001? Were you born yet? What are you doing to recover, still?